(1) This section
applies if —
(a) in
proceedings for an offence, the court finds that a person who is subject to a
conditional release order committed that offence while released under the
order; or
(b) in
proceedings resulting from a notice to attend court given under section 113,
the court finds that a person who is subject to a conditional release order
has failed to comply with any condition or undertaking upon which the order
was made; or
(c) in
proceedings for an offence, the court makes a finding under section 115(a) or
(2) If this section
applies the court may —
order that no further action be taken because of the failure to comply with a
condition or undertaking upon which the conditional release order was made; or
amend or cancel the conditional release order; or
(c) if
the court has made a finding under section 115(a) or (b), order that the
conditional release order is to be taken for the purposes of this section not
to have run its term but to have been cancelled on the day on which the
offence was committed or the day on which the court finds that the person
failed to comply with any condition or undertaking upon which the order was
made, as the case may be.
(3) The discretion
given by subsection (2)(a) to order that no further action be taken can only
be used if the court is satisfied that the failure is of such a trivial nature
that no further action is appropriate, and the court making such an order is
to record in writing the reasons why it considers that no further action is
(4) The court, when
considering how to dispose of the matter under subsection (2), is to take into
account —
(a) the
time for which the person has been complying with supervision conditions under
the order; and
anything that was done, or that was not done but should have been done, under
the order,
and may take into
account, either as an aggravating or a mitigating factor, the behaviour of the
offender in doing anything under the order.
[Section 114 amended: No. 58 of 2004 s. 24.]