A custodial officer
(a) has
a responsibility to maintain the security of the facility or detention centre
where he or she is employed; and
(b) is
liable to answer for the escape of a detainee placed in his or her charge or
for whom when on duty he or she has a responsibility; and
(c) must
obey all lawful orders given to him or her by the officer under whose control
or supervision he or she is placed; and
(d) may
issue to a detainee such orders as are necessary for the purposes of this Act,
including the security, good order, or management of a facility or detention
centre, and may use such force as is prescribed under section 11C as is
necessary to ensure that lawful orders given to a detainee are complied with.
[Section 11B inserted: No. 58 of 2004 s. 7;
amended: No. 29 of 2014 s. 15.]
[Heading inserted: No. 29 of 2014 s. 16.]
[Heading inserted: No. 29 of 2014 s. 16.]