(1) The Board may
consider the matter of a failure to comply with a supervised release order or
with any prescribed requirement that is referred to it by the chief executive
officer and —
order that no further action be taken because of the failure; or
postpone the decision as to what action, if any, is to be taken because of the
failure; or
(c) if
the supervised release order has been suspended, confirm, vary, or remove the
suspension; or
(d) if
the supervised release order has not been suspended, suspend it; or
amend or cancel the supervised release order.
(2) The Secretary is
to cause the Board’s decision to be reduced to writing and, as soon as
practicable after the decision is made, is to cause a copy of it to be given
(a) to
the person in respect of whom it is made; and
(b) if
the Secretary knows or can by reasonable enquiry ascertain the whereabouts or
address of such a person, to a person who is a responsible adult; and
(c) to
the chief executive officer.