(1) A person is the
person responsible for a livestock animal if the person is any of the
following —
(a) the
owner of the livestock animal;
(b) an
agent of the owner of the livestock animal who is involved in the buying or
selling of the livestock;
(c) a
person who has actual physical custody or control of the livestock animal;
(d) a
person who is handling the livestock animal;
(e) if a
person referred to in paragraph (c) or (d) is a member of staff of
another person — that other person.
(2) Without limiting
subregulation (1), a person is also a person responsible for a livestock
animal if the person is any of the following —
(a) if
the livestock animal is, or is being, assembled or is at a livestock handling
facility before loading for a journey — a consignor of the
livestock animal;
(b) if
the livestock animal is undertaking a journey by road —
the driver of the vehicle; and
the proprietor of the business, or a person concerned in
the management of the business, that owns, uses or manages or controls the use
of the vehicle;
(c) if
the livestock animal is undertaking a journey by rail — the rail
operator transporting the livestock animal;
(d) if
the livestock animal is at a saleyard, depot or other livestock handling
facility —
the operator of the saleyard, depot or other livestock
handling facility; and
a person who is handling the livestock animal and
employed by, or working for, the operator of the saleyard, depot or other
livestock handling facility;
(e) if
the livestock animal is unloaded at a destination (including a saleyard, depot
or any other livestock handling facility) —
a person who receives the livestock animal at the
destination; and
the operator of the saleyard, depot or other livestock
handling facility (as is relevant); and
a person who is handling the livestock animal and
employed by, or working for, the operator of the saleyard, depot or other
livestock handling facility (as is relevant).