(1) The standard of
concentration of solid particles in each cubic metre of residual gas at the
point of emission shall be determined in the following
manner — the sample of solid particles entrained in the
exhaust gas shall be withdrawn from the flue or chimney in such a way that the
velocity of the gases entering a sample nozzle placed in the flue or chimney
is, as nearly as practicable the same as the velocity of the gases flowing in
the flue or chimney at the sampling point.
(2) For the purposes
of section 33(1) of the Act 3 the prescribed point is a
point —
(a) that
is not less than —
2D away from a bend or change in direction of the gas
flow; and
3D away from a fan or damper,
where D is the
diameter of the flue, or in the case of a rectangular flue, D is the mean of
its width and breadth;
(b) at
which the average gas velocity is greater than 3 metres per second; and
(c) that
is downstream of any dust control equipment.
(3) To collect a
representative sample of solid particles, increments of sample shall be
withdrawn from the flue at points contained in the sampling plane at the
prescribed point of emission.
(4) The number of
sampling points shall be —
(a) not
less than 4 for duct areas smaller than 0.20 square metres;
(b) not
less than 8 for duct areas between 0.20 and 2.0 square metres; and
(c) not
less than one for each 0.25 square metres of the sampling plane for duct areas
larger than 2.0 square metres,
and the sampling
points shall be at the centre of equal areas over the sampling plane.
(5) The sampling time
is to be the same for each sampling point, and, shall not in any case be less
than 3 minutes.
(6) The sample of
solid particles is to be separated from the gas by a filter of fibreglass,
alundum or some other suitable material which will withstand the conditions
existing at the sampling position.