(1) A licensee must
ensure that the contact staff members on duty supervise the enrolled children
in a manner that is sufficient to ensure the wellbeing of the children and is
appropriate to —
(a) the
children’s stage of development; and
(b) the
activity in which the children are engaging.
(2) Without limiting
subregulation (1), a licensee must ensure that an ill or injured child is
adequately supervised by a staff member with a first aid qualification.
(3) If there are not
more than 4 enrolled children in attendance at a care session, the
licensee must ensure that the children are supervised by at least one person
who has reached 18 years of age.
(4) If there are
5 or more enrolled children in attendance at a care session, the licensee
must ensure that the children are supervised by at least 2 contact staff
members, one of whom must —
(a) have
reached 18 years of age; and
(b) be a
class A, B or C contact staff member.
Penalty: a fine of $6 000.
[Regulation 23 amended: Gazette
8 Dec 2006 p. 5374.]