(1) If a service
provides food prepared at the place on a regular basis for 20 or more
enrolled children the licensee must employ a person to prepare the food.
(2) The licensee must
not employ a person for the purposes of subregulation (1)
unless —
(a) the
person has completed —
a food handling and hygiene course approved by the CEO;
a course of training in nutrition approved by the CEO;
(b) the
licensee is satisfied that the person has enrolled or intends to enrol in a
course of that kind.
(3) The licensee must
not continue to employ a person employed under subregulation (2)(b) if
the person —
(a) in a
case where the person had not enrolled in a food handling and hygiene course
or course of training in nutrition approved by the CEO, fails to enrol in the
course within one month after the person is employed; or
(b) in a
case where the person had enrolled in a food handling and hygiene course or
course of training in nutrition approved by the CEO, fails to complete a
course within 6 months after the person is employed.
Penalty: a fine of $4 000.
[Regulation 26 amended: Gazette
1 Mar 2006 p. 932; 8 Dec 2006 p. 5374‑5.]