(1) A licensee must
ensure that children are able to open interconnecting doors of rooms at the
place that they are permitted to use and that door handles are positioned
between 750 mm and 1 000 mm from the floor.
(2) A licensee must
ensure that doors giving direct access from the place to the
street —
(a) have
handles positioned between 1 300 mm and 1 500 mm from
the floor; and
(b) are
locked in a manner that does not prevent effective evacuation of the place.
(3) A licensee must
ensure that there are at least 2 exits from the place, and that those
exits are as widely separated as practicable and are readily accessible.
(4) A licensee must
ensure that every room at the place having accommodation for 20 children
or less has at least one doorway not less than 800 mm wide giving direct
access to the outdoor space or to a thoroughfare or passage giving direct
access to the outdoor space.
(5) A licensee must
ensure that every room at the place having accommodation for more than
20 children has at least 2 doorways not less than 800 mm wide
giving direct access to the outdoor space or to a thoroughfare or passage
giving direct access to the outdoor space, and that those doorways are as
widely separated as practicable.
Penalty: a fine of $4 000.