(1) A licensee must
ensure that an enrolment form is kept for each child who attends the service.
(2) The enrolment form
must, as far as is practicable, include the following —
(a) the
full name, date of birth and address of the child;
(b) the
full name of each parent;
(c) the
residential address and telephone number of each parent;
(d) the
address and telephone number of each parent’s place of employment;
(e) the
signature of a parent;
(f) the
full name and telephone number of a person authorised by a parent to collect
the child from the place;
(g) the
full name, address and telephone number of a person, other than a parent, who
may be contacted in an emergency;
(h) the
name, address and telephone number of the child’s medical practitioner
or hospital;
a parent’s written authorisation for medical
attention to be sought for the child if required in an emergency;
(j) any
written authorisation referred to in regulation 91 or 96;
details of any court order relating to —
the long‑term care, welfare and development of the
child; or
the residence of the child; or
contact of a person with the child;
details of any —
specific healthcare needs of the child, including any
medical condition; and
allergies, including whether the child has been diagnosed
as at risk of anaphylaxis;
details of any plan to be followed with respect to a specific healthcare need,
medical condition or allergy referred to in paragraph (l);
details of any medication necessary for the management or treatment of a
specific healthcare need, medical condition or allergy referred to in
paragraph (l);
[(o) deleted]
(p) any
other relevant information relating to the child.
(2A) The enrolment
form must —
(a) if
the Public Health Act 2016 section 141B applies to the
child —
include the immunisation status of the child given in
accordance with that section; and
if the child has a Medicare number — include
the Medicare number of the child;
otherwise — include, as far as is practicable, the immunisation
status of the child.
(3) A licensee must
ensure that the enrolment form is updated annually.
(4) A licensee must
not allow a child to attend the service unless the supervising officer has
sighted the child’s birth certificate, extract of birth certificate or
equivalent document.
Penalty: a fine of $3 000.
[Regulation 67 amended: Gazette
1 Mar 2006 p. 933; 6 Jan 2012 p. 20;
19 Jul 2019 p. 2843.]