(1) A licensee must
ensure that an enrolled child does not leave the place during or at the end of
a care session unless —
(a) the
child is in the care of the child’s parent or a person authorised by the
child’s parent; or
(b) in
the case of an emergency, when a person referred to in paragraph (a) is
not available, the child is in the care of a person authorised by the licensee
or supervising officer, having due regard to the wellbeing of the child.
(2) A licensee must
ensure that the CEO is notified as soon as practicable if an enrolled child
leaves the place in circumstances other than those referred to in
subregulation (1)(a).
Penalty: a fine of $3 000.
[Regulation 96 inserted: Gazette
6 Jan 2012 p. 21-2.]