In these regulations,
unless the contrary intention appears —
Act means the Dangerous Goods Safety
Act 2004 ;
ADG Code means the Australian Code for the
Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (also called the Australian
Dangerous Goods Code) published by the National Transport Commission,
including (for the avoidance of doubt) its appendices;
combustible liquid has the meaning given in the
Dangerous Goods Safety (Storage and Handling of Non-explosives)
Regulations 2007 regulation 4;
flashpoint of a liquid, means the temperature at
which the liquid first evolves vapour in a sufficient quantity to be ignited
when tested in accordance with —
(a) AS
2106 — Methods for the determination of the flash point of
flammable liquids (closed cup) (series) published by Standards Australia; or
(b) a
technical standard that specifies a test that is equivalent to that specified
in AS 2106;
Form , if followed by a number, means the form of
that number in Schedule 2;
section means a section of the Act;
UNTC means the Recommendations on the Transport of
Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria , Sixth revised edition,
published by the United Nations
(ISBN 978‑92‑1‑139155‑8).
[Regulation 3 amended: Gazette
22 Jun 2010 p. 2781; 5 Feb 2016 p. 355;
3 Mar 2017 p. 1475; SL 2020/193 r. 4.]