(1) In this
regulation —
responsible person in respect of an explosives
site, means —
(a) a
person who is authorised under these regulations to possess an explosive on
the site and who has the control and management of the explosive; or
(b) the
person who controls and manages the site; or
(c) if
the site is in a State explosives facility, a DGO.
(2) A person must not
enter an explosives site except with the permission of a responsible person.
(3) A person must not
enter a State explosives facility unless he or she —
holds at least one of these licences that relates to a place in the
facility —
an explosives manufacture licence;
an explosives storage licence;
holds at least one of these licences, issued under the Dangerous Goods Safety
(Security Sensitive Ammonium Nitrate) Regulations 2007 , that relates to a
place in the facility —
an SSAN manufacture licence;
an SSAN storage licence;
(c) is a
secure nominee of the holder of such a licence acting in accordance with an
unsupervised access authorisation given by the holder to the nominee; or
(d) has
permission to enter the facility from the Chief Officer or a DGO.
(4) A person at an
explosives site who is not a responsible person must comply with any lawful
and reasonable direction of a responsible person at the site given for the
purpose of ensuring the safety of people, property or the environment at the
site or the security of any explosive at the site.
(5) Unless he or she
has a reasonable excuse not to, a person at an explosives site who becomes
aware of a dangerous goods incident, or a dangerous situation, at the site
must immediately report it to a responsible person.
(6) A person at an
explosives site must not, without reasonable excuse, remove, obscure or
interfere with —
(a) any
sign, or other display of information, about safety or security at the site;
(b) any
marking on a package containing an explosive.
(7) A person at an
explosives site must not, without reasonable excuse, handle an explosive at
the site unless he or she —
holds a licence that authorises him or her to do so; or
(b) does
so as a secure nominee of the holder of such a licence and in accordance with
an unsupervised access authorisation given by the holder to the nominee; or
(c) does
so while supervised by a person referred to in paragraph (a) or (b).
Penalty: a level 1 fine and imprisonment for 10
[Regulation 36 amended: Gazette 2 Dec 2013 p.
5580; 5 Feb 2016 p. 347.]