(1) In this
regulation, each of the following terms has the meaning given in the
National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Commonwealth)
section 9 —
(2) Under
section 113(1)(d) of the Act, the Public Advocate and the Public Trustee
are authorised to divulge personal information to —
(a) the
Agency, if the Public Advocate or Public Trustee (as the case requires) is
satisfied that the information is relevant to the performance of a function of
the Agency under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013
(Commonwealth); and
(b) the
Commission, if the Public Advocate or Public Trustee (as the case requires) is
satisfied that the information is relevant to the performance of a function of
the Commission under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013
(Commonwealth); and
(c) the
CEO, if the Public Advocate or Public Trustee (as the case requires) is
satisfied that the information is relevant to an exercise of the CEO’s
powers under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013
(Commonwealth) section 55; and
(d) the
Commissioner, if the Public Advocate or Public Trustee (as the case requires)
is satisfied that the information is relevant to an exercise of the
Commissioner’s powers under the National Disability Insurance Scheme
Act 2013 (Commonwealth) section 55A.
[Regulation 8A inserted: SL 2024/42
r. 4.]
[Heading inserted: SL 2022/102 r. 4.]