TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 -- Preliminary 1. Citation 2. Commencement 3. Definitions and application PART 2 -- Community lands 4. Permission required to enter community land 5. Remaining on community lands 6. Restriction of entry into areas 7. Homes PART 3 -- Liquor and deleterious substances 8. Restriction of liquor 9. Pharmaceutical 10. Deleterious substance or petrol PART 4 -- Traffic 11. Traffic signs 12. Careless and dangerous driving PART 5 -- The regulation of other matters 13. Offensive behaviour 14. Wilful damage 15. Disruption of meetings PART 6 -- Enforcement and proceedings 16. Powers of Police 17. Procedure 18. Offences PART 7 -- Penalties and orders of the Court 19. Penalties 20. Defence of acting under custom 21. Council members Defined terms[Reprinted under the Reprints Act 1984 as at 8 April 2005 Junjuwa Community Incorporated By‑laws]
Compilation table