A member of the Police
Force may —
(a) take
proceedings against any person for a breach of these by‑laws;
where any person has committed or is found committing an offence against these
by‑laws and it appears to the Police Officer on reasonable grounds to be
likely that injury to persons or damage to property will be caused by that
person if left at large; apprehend and remove that person from community land;
request the name and address of any person who he believes on reasonable
grounds —
to be on community land, committed a breach of
by‑law; or
to have, while on community land, committed a breach of
(d) if
he has reasonable cause to suspect that a prohibited substance is in any
vehicle in contravention of these by‑laws, stop, detain and search such
vehicle and seize any deleterious substance and any receptacle containing a
deleterious substance which he may find in or on the vehicle and may retain in
his custody or control any property so seized until dealt with according to
these by‑laws;
(e) if a
prohibited substance is found in a vehicle through the exercise of the power
conferred by by‑law 17, seize the vehicle, search and detain it for
up to maximum period of 14 days if such is considered necessary by the Police
Officer, on reasonable grounds to prevent a repetition of the prescribed