In these by‑laws
unless the context requires otherwise —
by-law means one of these by‑laws;
community land means that land declared by the
Governor under section 6 of the Act to be the community lands of the
the Act means the Aboriginal Communities
Act 1979 ;
the community means (as the context requires)
Junjuwa Community Incorporated and that collective group comprising the
membership of Junjuwa Community Incorporated, their spouses and dependents
(where not members in their own right) and member of the community has a
correlative meaning;
liquor means liquor as defined in the Liquor
Licensing Act 1988 ;
deleterious substance means glue or any volatile
liquid containing hydrocarbons;
vehicle means any motor vehicle, designed and
manufactured to be capable of self propulsion and includes any trailer or
caravan while attached to a vehicle;
the Council means the Council of Junjuwa Community
These by‑laws
shall apply —
(a) on
all community land; and
(b) to
all persons on community land, whether members of the community or not.