(1) Subject to
subrule (2), in a Super66 draw the holder of a receipted ticket or the
purchaser of an entry under Part 2 Division 5 of these rules
wins —
division 1, if the 6 selected digits in a game match the value, position
and order of the 6 winning digits;
division 2, if 5 of the selected digits in a game match the value,
position and order of —
the first, second, third, fourth and fifth winning
digits; or
the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth winning
division 3, if 4 of the selected digits in a game match the value,
position and order of —
the first, second, third and fourth winning digits; or
the third, fourth, fifth and sixth winning digits;
division 4, if 3 of the selected digits in a game match the value,
position and order of —
the first, second and third winning digits; or
the fourth, fifth and sixth winning digits;
division 5, if 2 of the selected digits in a game match the value,
position and order of —
the first and second winning digits; or
the fifth and sixth winning digits.
(2) If the selected
digits in one game satisfy the winning criteria for more than one division,
that game is a winning game only in the highest of those divisions.