(1) For the purposes
of prize distribution, the holders of a syndicate share ticket that has a
winning game or games are to be treated as collectively making up one
individual winning game.
(2) Unless otherwise
provided in these rules, the prize pool for a division is to be divided
equally between the winning games in that division.
(3) The Commission may
round off the individual entitlement for a prize in a division (other than
division 1, or in the case of Set for Life, divisions 1 and 2) to the nearest
sum containing a 5 cent multiple.
(4) Where a rounding
off takes place under subrule (3)—
(a) for
all lotto except Set for Life, the Commission may adjust the prize pool for
division 1; and
(b) for
Set for Life, the Commission may use the prize reserve fund to pay or receive
the rounding off amount,
to ensure that the
whole of the prize pool for that draw is distributed.
(5) The holders of a
syndicate share ticket that has a winning game are entitled to a prize
calculated by dividing the total prize or prizes won by that syndicate by the
number of shares in the syndicate (truncated to the nearest cent).
[Rule 33 amended: Gazette 9 Feb 2018
p. 405; 3 Mar 2020 p. 474.]