Western Australian Current Regulations

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[r. 18FA]

        [Heading inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

Division 1  — Preliminary provisions

        [Heading inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

1 .         Citation

                These are the [ insert name of local government ] Standards for CEO Recruitment, Performance and Termination .

        [Clause 1 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

2 .         Terms used

        (1)         In these standards —

        Act means the Local Government Act 1995 ;

        additional performance criteria means performance criteria agreed by the local government and the CEO under clause 16(1)(b);

        applicant means a person who submits an application to the local government for the position of CEO;

        contract of employment means the written contract, as referred to in section 5.39 of the Act, that governs the employment of the CEO;

        contractual performance criteria means the performance criteria specified in the CEO’s contract of employment as referred to in section 5.39(3)(b) of the Act;

        job description form means the job description form for the position of CEO approved by the local government under clause 5(2);

        local government means the [ insert name of local government ];

        selection criteria means the selection criteria for the position of CEO determined by the local government under clause 5(1) and set out in the job description form;

        selection panel means the selection panel established by the local government under clause 8 for the employment of a person in the position of CEO.

        (2)         Other terms used in these standards that are also used in the Act have the same meaning as they have in the Act, unless the contrary intention appears.

        [Clause 2 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

Division 2  — Standards for recruitment of CEOs

        [Heading inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

3 .         Overview of Division

                This Division sets out standards to be observed by the local government in relation to the recruitment of CEOs.

        [Clause 3 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

4 .         Application of Division

        (1)         Except as provided in subclause (2), this Division applies to any recruitment and selection process carried out by the local government for the employment of a person in the position of CEO.

        (2)         This Division does not apply —

            (a)         if it is proposed that the position of CEO be filled by a person in a class prescribed for the purposes of section 5.36(5A) of the Act; or

            (b)         in relation to a renewal of the CEO’s contract of employment, except in the circumstances referred to in clause 13(2).

        [Clause 4 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

5 .         Determination of selection criteria and approval of job description form

        (1)         The local government must determine the selection criteria for the position of CEO, based on the local government’s consideration of the knowledge, experience, qualifications and skills necessary to effectively perform the duties and responsibilities of the position of CEO of the local government.

        (2)         The local government must, by resolution of an absolute majority of the council, approve a job description form for the position of CEO which sets out —

            (a)         the duties and responsibilities of the position; and

            (b)         the selection criteria for the position determined in accordance with subclause (1).

        [Clause 5 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

6 .         Advertising requirements

        (1)         If the position of CEO is vacant, the local government must ensure it complies with section 5.36(4) of the Act and the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 regulation 18A.

        (2)         If clause 13 applies, the local government must advertise the position of CEO in the manner referred to in the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 regulation 18A as if the position was vacant.

        [Clause 6 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

7 .         Job description form to be made available by local government

                If a person requests the local government to provide to the person a copy of the job description form, the local government must —

            (a)         inform the person of the website address referred to in the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 regulation 18A(2)(da); or

            (b)         if the person advises the local government that the person is unable to access that website address —

                  (i)         email a copy of the job description form to an email address provided by the person; or

                  (ii)         mail a copy of the job description form to a postal address provided by the person.

        [Clause 7 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

8 .         Establishment of selection panel for employment of CEO

        (1)         In this clause —

        independent person means a person other than any of the following —

            (a)         a council member;

            (b)         an employee of the local government;

            (c)         a human resources consultant engaged by the local government.

        (2)         The local government must establish a selection panel to conduct the recruitment and selection process for the employment of a person in the position of CEO.

        (3)         The selection panel must comprise —

            (a)         council members (the number of which must be determined by the local government); and

            (b)         at least 1 independent person.

        [Clause 8 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

9 .         Recommendation by selection panel

        (1)         Each applicant’s knowledge, experience, qualifications and skills must be assessed against the selection criteria by or on behalf of the selection panel.

        (2)         Following the assessment referred to in subclause (1), the selection panel must provide to the local government —

            (a)         a summary of the selection panel’s assessment of each applicant; and

            (b)         unless subclause (3) applies, the selection panel’s recommendation as to which applicant or applicants are suitable to be employed in the position of CEO.

        (3)         If the selection panel considers that none of the applicants are suitable to be employed in the position of CEO, the selection panel must recommend to the local government —

            (a)         that a new recruitment and selection process for the position be carried out in accordance with these standards; and

            (b)         the changes (if any) that the selection panel considers should be made to the duties and responsibilities of the position or the selection criteria.

        (4)         The selection panel must act under subclauses (1), (2) and (3) —

            (a)         in an impartial and transparent manner; and

            (b)         in accordance with the principles set out in section 5.40 of the Act.

        (5)         The selection panel must not recommend an applicant to the local government under subclause (2)(b) unless the selection panel has —

            (a)         assessed the applicant as having demonstrated that the applicant’s knowledge, experience, qualifications and skills meet the selection criteria; and

            (b)         verified any academic, or other tertiary level, qualifications the applicant claims to hold; and

            (c)         whether by contacting referees provided by the applicant or making any other inquiries the selection panel considers appropriate, verified the applicant’s character, work history, skills, performance and any other claims made by the applicant.

        (6)         The local government must have regard to, but is not bound to accept, a recommendation made by the selection panel under this clause.

        [Clause 9 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

10 .         Application of cl. 5 where new process carried out

        (1)         This clause applies if the local government accepts a recommendation by the selection panel under clause 9(3)(a) that a new recruitment and selection process for the position of CEO be carried out in accordance with these standards.

        (2)         Unless the local government considers that changes should be made to the duties and responsibilities of the position or the selection criteria —

            (a)         clause 5 does not apply to the new recruitment and selection process; and

            (b)         the job description form previously approved by the local government under clause 5(2) is the job description form for the purposes of the new recruitment and selection process.

        [Clause 10 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

11 .         Offer of employment in position of CEO

                Before making an applicant an offer of employment in the position of CEO, the local government must, by resolution of an absolute majority of the council, approve —

            (a)         the making of the offer of employment to the applicant; and

            (b)         the proposed terms of the contract of employment to be entered into by the local government and the applicant.

        [Clause 11 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

12 .         Variations to proposed terms of contract of employment

        (1)         This clause applies if an applicant who is made an offer of employment in the position of CEO under clause 11 negotiates with the local government a contract of employment (the negotiated contract ) containing terms different to the proposed terms approved by the local government under clause 11(b).

        (2)         Before entering into the negotiated contract with the applicant, the local government must, by resolution of an absolute majority of the council, approve the terms of the negotiated contract.

        [Clause 12 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

13 .         Recruitment to be undertaken on expiry of certain CEO contracts

        (1)         In this clause —

        commencement day means the day on which the Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2021 regulation 6 comes into operation.

        (2)         This clause applies if —

            (a)         upon the expiry of the contract of employment of the person (the incumbent CEO ) who holds the position of CEO —

                  (i)         the incumbent CEO will have held the position for a period of 10 or more consecutive years, whether that period commenced before, on or after commencement day; and

                  (ii)         a period of 10 or more consecutive years has elapsed since a recruitment and selection process for the position was carried out, whether that process was carried out before, on or after commencement day;


            (b)         the incumbent CEO has notified the local government that they wish to have their contract of employment renewed upon its expiry.

        (3)         Before the expiry of the incumbent CEO’s contract of employment, the local government must carry out a recruitment and selection process in accordance with these standards to select a person to be employed in the position of CEO after the expiry of the incumbent CEO’s contract of employment.

        (4)         This clause does not prevent the incumbent CEO’s contract of employment from being renewed upon its expiry if the incumbent CEO is selected in the recruitment and selection process referred to in subclause (3) to be employed in the position of CEO.

        [Clause 13 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

14 .         Confidentiality of information

                The local government must ensure that information provided to, or obtained by, the local government in the course of a recruitment and selection process for the position of CEO is not disclosed, or made use of, except for the purpose of, or in connection with, that recruitment and selection process.

        [Clause 14 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

Division 3  — Standards for review of performance of CEOs

        [Heading inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

15 .         Overview of Division

                This Division sets out standards to be observed by the local government in relation to the review of the performance of CEOs.

        [Clause 15 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

16 .         Performance review process to be agreed between local government and CEO

        (1)         The local government and the CEO must agree on —

            (a)         the process by which the CEO’s performance will be reviewed; and

            (b)         any performance criteria to be met by the CEO that are in addition to the contractual performance criteria.

        (2)         Without limiting subclause (1), the process agreed under subclause (1)(a) must be consistent with clauses 17, 18 and 19.

        (3)         The matters referred to in subclause (1) must be set out in a written document.

        [Clause 16 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

17 .         Carrying out a performance review

        (1)         A review of the performance of the CEO by the local government must be carried out in an impartial and transparent manner.

        (2)         The local government must —

            (a)         collect evidence regarding the CEO’s performance in respect of the contractual performance criteria and any additional performance criteria in a thorough and comprehensive manner; and

            (b)         review the CEO’s performance against the contractual performance criteria and any additional performance criteria, based on that evidence.

        [Clause 17 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

18 .         Endorsement of performance review by local government

                Following a review of the performance of the CEO, the local government must, by resolution of an absolute majority of the council, endorse the review.

        [Clause 18 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

19 .         CEO to be notified of results of performance review

                After the local government has endorsed a review of the performance of the CEO under clause 18, the local government must inform the CEO in writing of —

            (a)         the results of the review; and

            (b)         if the review identifies any issues about the performance of the CEO — how the local government proposes to address and manage those issues.

        [Clause 19 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

Division 4  — Standards for termination of employment of CEOs

        [Heading inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

20 .         Overview of Division

                This Division sets out standards to be observed by the local government in relation to the termination of the employment of CEOs.

        [Clause 20 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

21 .         General principles applying to any termination

        (1)         The local government must make decisions relating to the termination of the employment of a CEO in an impartial and transparent manner.

        (2)         The local government must accord a CEO procedural fairness in relation to the process for the termination of the CEO’s employment, including —

            (a)         informing the CEO of the CEO’s rights, entitlements and responsibilities in relation to the termination process; and

            (b)         notifying the CEO of any allegations against the CEO; and

            (c)         giving the CEO a reasonable opportunity to respond to the allegations; and

            (d)         genuinely considering any response given by the CEO in response to the allegations.

        [Clause 21 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

22 .         Additional principles applying to termination for performance‑related reasons

        (1)         This clause applies if the local government proposes to terminate the employment of a CEO for reasons related to the CEO’s performance.

        (2)         The local government must not terminate the CEO’s employment unless the local government has —

            (a)         in the course of carrying out the review of the CEO’s performance referred to in subclause (3) or any other review of the CEO’s performance, identified any issues (the performance issues ) related to the performance of the CEO; and

            (b)         informed the CEO of the performance issues; and

            (c)         given the CEO a reasonable opportunity to address, and implement a plan to remedy, the performance issues; and

            (d)         determined that the CEO has not remedied the performance issues to the satisfaction of the local government.

        (3)         The local government must not terminate the CEO’s employment unless the local government has, within the preceding 12‑month period, reviewed the performance of the CEO under section 5.38(1) of the Act.

        [Clause 22 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

23 .         Decision to terminate

                Any decision by the local government to terminate the employment of a CEO must be made by resolution of an absolute majority of the council.

        [Clause 23 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]

24 .         Notice of termination of employment

        (1)         If the local government terminates the employment of a CEO, the local government must give the CEO notice in writing of the termination.

        (2)         The notice must set out the local government’s reasons for terminating the employment of the CEO.

        [Clause 24 inserted: SL 2021/14 r. 7.]


This is a compilation of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and includes amendments made by other written laws. For provisions that have come into operation, and for information about any reprints, see the compilation table. For provisions that have not yet come into operation see the uncommenced provisions table.

Compilation table




Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996

24 Jun 1996 p. 2799‑826

1 Jul 1996 (see r. 2)

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 1996

28 Jun 1996 p. 3171

1 Jul 1996  1

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 1999

23 Apr 1999 p. 1717‑21

23 Apr 1999

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2000

25 Feb 2000 p. 969

25 Feb 2000 (see r. 2 and Gazette 25 Feb 2000 p. 970)

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2002

28 Jun 2002 p. 3079‑81

28 Jun 2002

Reprint of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 as at 30 Aug 2002
(includes amendments listed above)

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2005  2

31 Mar 2005 p. 1030-6

1 Apr 2005 (see r. 2 and Gazette 31 Mar 2005 p. 1029)

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2005

31 Mar 2005 p. 1037-41

7 May 2005 (see r. 2)

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations (No. 3) 2005

13 May 2005 p. 2086

13 May 2005

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations (No. 4) 2005

19 Aug 2005 p. 3871‑3

19 Aug 2005

Reprint 2: The Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 as at 17 Nov 2006
(includes amendments listed above)

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2007

21 Aug 2007 p. 4189‑93

r. 1 and 2: 21 Aug 2007 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 21 Oct 2007 (see r. 2(b) and Gazette 21 Aug 2007 p. 4173)

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2009

20 Nov 2009 p. 4660-1

r. 1 and 2: 20 Nov 2009 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 21 Nov 2009 (see r. 2(b) and Gazette 20 Nov 2009 p. 4649)

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2011

3 May 2011 p. 1593-7

r. 1 and 2: 3 May 2011 (see r. 2(a));
r. 7: 4 May 2011 (see r. 2(b) and Gazette 3 May 2011 p. 1577);
Regulations other than r. 1, 2 and 7: 4 May 2011 (see r. 2(c))

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2011

26 Aug 2011 p. 3481-7

r. 1 and 2: 26 Aug 2011 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 26 Aug 2011 (see r. 2(b))

Reprint 3: The Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 as at 3 Feb 2012
(includes amendments listed above)

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2012

13 Jul 2012 p. 3218‑19

r. 1 and 2: 13 Jul 2012 (see r. 2(a));
r. 3 and 4: 14 Jul 2012 (see r. 2(c));
r. 5‑8: 1 Jul 2013 (see r. 2(b) and Gazette 8 Feb 2013 p. 863)

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2014

28 Feb 2014 p. 519

r. 1 and 2: 28 Feb 2014 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Mar 2014 (see r. 2(b))

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2016

4 Mar 2016 p. 649‑58

r. 1 and 2: 4 Mar 2016 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 5 Mar 2016 (see r. 2(b))

Local Government Regulations Amendment (Gifts) Regulations 2017 Pt. 2

20 Jan 2017 p. 648‑50

21 Jan 2017 (see r. 2(b))

Local Government Regulations Amendment (Recovery of Advance Payments) Regulations 2018 Pt. 2

14 Dec 2018 p. 4805‑6

15 Dec 2018 (see r. 2(b))

Local Government Regulations Amendment (Induction and Training) Regulations 2019 Pt. 3

9 Aug 2019 p. 3020‑3

16 Sep 2019 (see r. 2(c) and Gazette 9 Aug 2019 p. 3019)

Local Government Regulations Amendment (Gifts) Regulations 2019 Pt. 2

18 Oct 2019 p. 3679-84

19 Oct 2019 (see r. 2(b) and Gazette 18 Oct 2019 p. 3673)

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2020

SL 2020/20 25 Mar 2020

r. 1 and 2: 25 Mar 2020 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 26 Mar 2020 (see r. 2(b))

Local Government Regulations Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2020 Pt. 5

SL 2020/213 6 Nov 2020

7 Nov 2020 (see r. 2(b) and SL 2020/212 cl. 2)

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2021

SL 2021/14 2 Feb 2021

r. 1 and 2: 2 Feb 2021 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 3 Feb 2021 (see r. 2(b) and SL 2021/13 cl. 2)

Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021 r. 5

SL 2021/15 2 Feb 2021

3 Feb 2021 (see r. 2(b) and SL 2021/13 cl. 2)

Local Government Amendment (Employee Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021 Pt. 2

SL 2021/16 2 Feb 2021

3 Feb 2021 (see r. 2(b) and SL 2021/13 cl. 2)

Local Government Regulations Amendment Regulations 2022 Pt. 2 (other than Div. 3)

SL 2022/177 2 Nov 2022

3 Nov 2022 (see r. 2(b) and SL 2022/175 cl. 2)

Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2022

SL 2022/185 8 Nov 2022

r. 1 and 2: 8 Nov 2022 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 9 Nov 2022 (see r. 2(b))

Local Government Regulations Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2023 Pt. 2

SL 2023/102 30 Jun 2023

Pt. 2 other than r. 7: 1 Jul 2023 (see r. 2(d));
r. 7: 1 Jan 2024 (see r. 2(b))

Local Government Regulations Amendment Regulations 2023 Pt. 3

SL 2023/106 30 Jun 2023

1 Jul 2023 (see r. 2(c))

Local Government Regulations Amendment Regulations (No. 3) 2023 Pt. 2

SL 2023/158 18 Oct 2023

Pt. 2 Div. 1: 19 Oct 2023 (see r. 2(c));
Pt. 2 Div. 2: 1 Jan 2024 (see r. 2(b))

Uncommenced provisions table

To view the text of the uncommenced provisions see Subsidiary legislation as made on the WA Legislation website.




Local Government Regulations Amendment Regulations 2022 Pt. 2 Div. 3

SL 2022/177 2 Nov 2022

3 Nov 2024 (see r. 2(c) and SL 2022/175 cl. 2)

Other notes

1         The commencement date of 1 Jul 1996 is the commencement date of the principal regulations.

2         The Local Government (Administration) Amendment Regulations 2005 r. 15 is a transitional provision that is of no further effect.

Defined terms

[This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined. The list is not part of the law.]

Defined term         Provision(s)
Act         Sch. 2 cl. 2(1)
activity involving a local government discretion         19AA
additional performance criteria         Sch. 2 cl. 2(1)
adopted standards         18FB(1), 18FC(1)
annual return         29C(1)
applicant         Sch. 2 cl. 2(1)
associated person         19AA
broadcast technology         14G(1)
class 3 or 4 council or committee         14E(1)
client or adviser         20(1)
closed proceedings         14G(1)
code of conduct         3(1), 19AA
commencement day         28B(1), Sch. 2 cl. 13(1)
committee         3(1)
contract of employment         Sch. 2 cl. 2(1)
contractual performance criteria         Sch. 2 cl. 2(1)
corporate business plan         19BA
electronic meeting         14E(1), 14G(1)
final annual remuneration         19A(2)
former Form 4         28B(1)
former record of disclosures         28B(1)
former regulation 19C         19DB(1)
former regulation 19D         19DB(1)
gift         19AA
improvised recording         14G(1), 14I(4)
income statement         19BB(1)
incumbent CEO         Sch. 2 cl. 13(2)
independent person         Sch. 2 cl. 8(1)
interest         19AA
job description form         Sch. 2 cl. 2(1)
local government         Sch. 2 cl. 2(1)
local government employee         19AA, 19AB(1), 19AC(1)
local law as to conduct         34D(1)
major land transaction         19BC(1)
major trading undertaking         19BB(1)
meeting         14C(1), 14CA(1), 14D(1)
meeting day         14G(1)
meeting details         12(1)
natural disaster         14C(1)
nature classification         19BC(1)
negotiated contract         Sch. 2 cl. 12(1)
oversight entity         29C(1)
performance issues         Sch. 2 cl. 22(2)
plan for the future         19DB(1)
primary return         29C(1)
prohibited gift         19AA
proposed meeting         14C(3), 14D(2A)
public health emergency         3(1)
publicly available         14G(1), (2) and (3)
recording         14G(1)
recording technology         14G(1)
relevant period         14C(1), 14D(1), 34AE(1)
relevant person         3(1)
remuneration         19B(1)
renew         19BE(1)
replace         19BE(1)
resources of the local government         19AE(1)
Schedule         3(1)
section         3(1)
selection criteria         Sch. 2 cl. 2(1)
selection panel         Sch. 2 cl. 2(1)
statement of financial position         19BB(1)
state of emergency         3(1)
strategic community plan         19BA
threshold amount         19AA
trading undertaking         19BB(1)
transitional period         34ACA(5)
usual meeting place         14G(1)

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