(1) This regulation
applies if —
(a) a
party is represented by a legal practitioner; or
(b) a
party is represented by an agent at a mention hearing under
regulation 168A(1)(c)(i) or (2)(c)(i).
(2) The party must
lodge and serve notice of that representation as soon as practicable before
the first hearing at which the legal practitioner or agent will represent the
(3) If there is a
change in that representation, the party must lodge and serve notice of that
change as soon as practicable before the first hearing at which the new legal
practitioner or agent will represent the party.
(4) If a party that
has lodged and served a notice under subregulation (2) or (3) is no
longer represented by a legal practitioner or an agent, the party must lodge
and serve notice of that fact as soon as practicable before the first hearing
at which the party will not be represented by a legal practitioner or an
(5) A notice under
this regulation must be in the form approved by the Director General of Mines.
[Regulation 168B inserted: SL 2020/119
r. 10; amended: SL 2022/118 r. 7.]