(1) During any period
when he is not paid a salary in accordance with regulation 10 a cadet is
entitled to receive a sustenance allowance.
(2) A sustenance
allowance may, with the approval of the Commissioner, be
paid —
(a) at a
“category 1” rate to a cadet attending the University and whose
ordinary place of residence is within a radius of 40 km from the Perth G.P.O.;
(b) at a
“category 2” rate to a cadet attending the University whose
ordinary place of residence is outside a radius of 40 km from the Perth G.P.O.
and who is obliged to live away from his ordinary residence.
(3) The sustenance
rate for each category shall be determined by the Commissioner from time to
time and notified in the Government Gazette .
(4) A cadet who is
receiving a category 2 rate of sustenance allowance and who is living in
accommodation at a cost in excess of that allowance is entitled to have his
sustenance allowance increased to cover the cost of the accommodation but the
allowance shall not exceed the amount payable to a cadet in residence at a
University College.
(5) The Commissioner
may approve the payment to a cadet of any further allowances necessary to
enable the cadet to undertake his University course.
(6) A cadet is
entitled to have all compulsory tuition fees paid on his behalf for those
subjects which are comprised in his University course but this entitlement
does not extend to subjects which are taken as a repetition of or in addition
to or substitution for any part of that course.
(7) A cadet is
responsible for the payment of his own faculty, service and amenities fees.
[Regulation 12 amended: Gazette
5 July 1991 p.3355.]