Nothing in
section 3.34 limits or affects the operation of any provision of this Code
except the provisions of section 3 relating to the content of an Access
Arrangement to the extent that a Reference Tariff or other item included in
the Access Arrangement may, under section 3.34, be determined in accordance
with the tender process.
This section of the Code requires a Service Provider to establish arrangements
to segregate or “ring fence” its business of providing Services
using a Covered Pipeline. As a minimum, a Service Provider must:
· be a legal entity;
· not carry on a Related Business
(essentially a business of producing, purchasing or selling Natural Gas);
· establish and maintain separate accounts
for the activity that is the subject of each Access Arrangement;
· establish and maintain a consolidated set
of accounts for all the activities undertaken by the Service Provider;
· allocate costs shared between different
accounts in a fair and reasonable manner;
· ensure that Confidential Information
provided by a User or a Prospective User is used only for the purposes for
which it was provided and is not disclosed without the User or Prospective
User’s consent;
· ensure that Confidential Information
obtained by a Service Provider which might reasonably be expected to
materially affect the commercial interests of a User or Prospective User is
not disclosed to any other person without the permission of the User or
Prospective User to whom the information pertains;
· ensure that Marketing Staff of a Service
Provider are not also working for an Associate that takes part in a Related
Business; and
· ensure that Marketing Staff of an Associate
that takes part in a Related Business are not also working for the Service
In addition to these minimum requirements, the Relevant Regulator may require
the Service Provider to meet additional ring fencing obligations. The Relevant
Regulator also has a discretion to dispense with some of the ring fencing
obligations. The Gas Pipelines Access Law provides a mechanism for review by
the Relevant Appeals Body of a decision by the Relevant Regulator in relation
to imposing additional ring fencing obligations or waiving minimum ring
fencing obligations.
This section of the Code also requires the Service Provider to establish
procedures to ensure compliance with the ring fencing obligations.