(1) On the completion
of the counting of votes, the returning officer is to give the following items
to the secretary —
(a) all
nomination papers;
(b) all
ballot papers admitted as formal;
(c) all
rejected ballot paper envelopes or informal ballot papers;
(d) all
declarations removed from ballot paper envelopes;
(e) all
reply‑paid envelopes received after the close of the ballot;
(f) the
marked electoral roll against which the declarations were checked;
(g) all
unused ballot papers, declarations and other documents prepared in connection
with the election.
(2) Before giving the
secretary the items referred to subregulation (1), the returning officer
is to place them in a container sealed by the returning officer and with a
label signed and dated by the returning officer showing that items in the
container relate to the election.
(3) The secretary is
to retain the container for a period of not less than one year after the date
of the election.