(1) In these
regulations, unless the contrary intention appears —
alternative water supply system —
means a system for the supply of water that is not a water supply service of a
water services provider; and
includes —
a system by which an exempted provider supplies water;
a private rainwater storage, bore or recycled water
supply system; and
a water tank supplied with carted water;
apparatus for the treatment of sewage has the
meaning given in the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911
section 3(1);
application fee , in relation to a licence or
permit, means the fee for an application for that licence or permit set out in
Schedule 1 Division 1;
apprentice has the meaning given in
regulation 3A;
approved form has the meaning given in
regulation 106;
AS , followed by a designation, means the
Australian Standard having that designation that is published by Standards
AS/NZS , followed by a designation, means the
Australian/New Zealand Standard having that designation that is published
jointly by Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand;
backflow prevention device has the meaning given
in AS/NZS 3500.0 (Plumbing and Drainage — Glossary of terms)
clause 3;
building permit has the meaning given in the
Building Act 2011 section 3;
building work has the meaning given in the
Building Act 2011 section 3;
certificate of compliance means a certificate
given by a —
licensed plumbing contractor under regulation 42 or 45B; or
permit holder under regulation 42;
chairperson means the chairperson of the Board
appointed under regulation 5(2)(a);
Class , followed by a designation, in relation to
a building, means a building of that class under the Plumbing Code;
contractor‑level work , in relation to a
licensed plumbing contractor, has the meaning given in regulation 12(2);
dangerous situation means a situation where there
is an imminent and high risk to people, property or the environment resulting
from plumbing work;
deputy chairperson means the deputy chairperson of
the Board appointed under regulation 6;
disciplinary complaint means a complaint under
regulation 28 ;
disciplinary matter means a disciplinary matter
referred to in regulation 27;
drainage plumbing means plumbing that is the
result of drainage plumbing work;
drainage plumbing diagram means a diagram of
drainage plumbing work —
given to the Board under regulation 45D or 45DA(2); or
(b) that
is otherwise in the possession of the Board;
drainage plumbing work has the meaning given in
regulation 4B;
dwelling means —
(a) a
Class 1a or 4 building; or
(b) a
sole‑occupancy unit (as defined in the Plumbing Code Schedule 1) in
a Class 2 building; or
(c) a
Class 10a building that is for the use of a resident of a Class 1a
emergency plumbing work means plumbing work that
must be carried out without delay —
(a) to
prevent the waste or contamination of water supplied by a water supply system;
(b) to
prevent the entry into a sewer or apparatus for the treatment of sewage of any
matter that is likely to hinder or prevent the proper functioning of the
system or unit; or
(c) to
prevent the escape of foul air or offensive or infectious matter from a sewer
or apparatus for the treatment of sewage; or
(d) to
avert or rectify a dangerous situation; or
(e) to
ensure that a building is supplied with water, including heated water;
entry warrant means an entry warrant issued under
regulation 86;
exempted provider means a person to whom an
exemption under the Water Services Act 2012 section 7 applies;
exempt work means work carried out by or on behalf
of a water services provider in connection with the undertaking, maintenance
or operation of water services works of the water services provider;
fitting has the meaning given in
AS/NZS 3500.0 (Plumbing and Drainage — Glossary of terms)
clause 3;
fixture has the meaning given in
AS/NZS 3500.0 (Plumbing and Drainage — Glossary of terms)
clause 3;
flexible hose assembly has the meaning given in
AS/NZS 3500.0 (Plumbing and Drainage — Glossary of terms)
clause 3;
greywater means water containing kitchen, laundry
or bathroom waste other than faecal matter or urine;
identification card means an identification card
issued to a licensee or permit holder under regulation 17(2) or 20(6);
isolating valve has the meaning given in
AS/NZS 3500.0 (Plumbing and Drainage — Glossary of terms)
clause 3;
licence means plumbing contractor’s licence,
tradesperson’s licence, tradesperson’s licence (drainage plumbing)
or provisional tradesperson’s licence;
licence fee , in relation to a licence, means the
fee for the issue of that licence set out in Schedule 1 Division 1;
licensed plumbing contractor means a person who
holds a plumbing contractor’s licence;
licensee means a person who holds a licence;
major plumbing work means —
plumbing work that is not minor plumbing work; and
minor plumbing work to the extent to which it is part of plumbing work that is
major plumbing work;
member means a member of the Board and includes a
person appointed under clause 4 of Schedule 2;
meter has the meaning given in AS/NZS 3500.0
(Plumbing and Drainage — Glossary of terms) clause 3;
minor plumbing work —
means the testing, maintenance, repair or replacement of existing —
water supply plumbing; or
sanitary plumbing; or
drainage plumbing;
(b) does
not include the replacement of a water heater or testable backflow prevention
modular plumbing work means water supply plumbing
work or sanitary plumbing work carried out in the course of manufacturing or
building a plumbing module;
National Construction Code means the National
Construction Code 2022 published by, or on behalf of, the Australian
Building Codes Board;
new installation fee means the fee payable under
regulation 45;
notice of intention means a notice of intention
given by —
(a) a
licensed plumbing contractor or permit holder under regulation 41; or
(b) a
licensed plumbing contractor under regulation 45A;
performance solution has the same meaning as
“Performance Solution” in the Plumbing Code Schedule 1;
permit means a restricted plumbing permit;
permit fee , in relation to a permit, means the
fee for the issue of that permit set out in Schedule 1 Division 1;
permit holder means the holder of a restricted
plumbing permit;
pipe includes fittings associated with a pipe;
place means any land, building, structure or
dwelling, or a part of any land, building, structure or dwelling;
Plumbing Code means Volume 3 (Plumbing Code
of Australia) of the National Construction Code;
plumbing compliance officer means a person
designated as a plumbing compliance officer under regulation 66;
plumbing contractor’s licence means a
licence of the kind referred to in regulations 12 and 13;
plumbing module means a module, or a prefabricated
or transportable building, that contains pipes, materials, fixtures or
components that —
(a) are
water supply plumbing or sanitary plumbing; and
(b) are
designed to be connected to water supply plumbing, sanitary plumbing or
drainage plumbing that is not in the module or building;
plumbing standards has the meaning given in
regulation 48;
pre‑apprentice means a person who is
carrying out plumbing work as part of the work placement component of a
Certificate II in Plumbing course provided by a registered training
organisation (as defined in the
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
(Commonwealth) section 3);
provisional tradesperson’s licence means a
licence of the kind referred to in regulation 13C;
register means the register referred to in
regulation 102;
renewal fee , in relation to a licence or permit,
means the fee for the renewal of that licence or permit set out in
Schedule 1 Division 1;
responsible person , in relation to plumbing work,
means each of the following —
(a) a
person who carries out the plumbing work;
(b) a
person under whose general direction and control or supervision the plumbing
work is carried out;
(c) the
licensed plumbing contractor or permit holder who is responsible for the
plumbing work;
restricted plumbing permit means a restricted
plumbing permit (rainwater storage) or restricted plumbing permit (water
restricted plumbing permit (rainwater storage)
means the permit referred to in regulation 13E;
restricted plumbing permit (water heater) means
the permit referred to in regulation 13D;
sanitary plumbing means plumbing that is the
result of sanitary plumbing work;
sanitary plumbing work has the meaning given in
regulation 4A;
serious offence means an offence (whether
committed in or outside this State) that is —
(a) an
indictable offence against a law of this State, the Commonwealth or another
jurisdiction (whether or not the offence is or may be dealt with summarily);
(b) an
offence against the law of another jurisdiction that would be an indictable
offence against a law of this State if committed in this State (whether or not
the offence could be dealt with summarily if committed in this State);
sewer means sewerage works of a licensee as
defined in the Water Services Act 2012 section 3(1);
sewerage system has the meaning given in
AS/NZS 3500.0 (Plumbing and Drainage — Glossary of terms)
clause 3;
testing includes testing required
under —
(a) the
plumbing standards; and
AS/NZS 2845.3 (Water supply — Backflow prevention
devices — Field testing and maintenance of testable devices); and
AS 4032.3 (Water supply — Valves for the control of heated
water supply temperatures — Requirements for field‑testing,
maintenance or replacement of thermostatic mixing valves, tempering valves and
end‑of‑line temperature control devices);
thermostatic mixing tap has the meaning given in
AS/NZS 3500.0 (Plumbing and Drainage — Glossary of terms)
clause 3;
trade‑level work —
(a) in
relation to a licensed plumbing contractor — has the meaning given
in regulation 13(3); or
(b) in
relation to the holder of a tradesperson’s licence — has the
meaning given in regulation 13A(3); or
(c) in
relation to the holder of a tradesperson’s licence (drainage
plumbing) — has the meaning given in regulation 13B(3);
trade waste has the meaning given in the
Water Services Act 2012 section 101(1);
tradesperson means a person who holds a
tradesperson’s licence or a tradesperson’s licence (drainage
tradesperson’s licence means a licence of
the kind referred to in regulation 13A;
tradesperson’s licence (drainage plumbing)
means a licence of the kind referred to in regulation 13B;
unit of competency means a unit of competency
entered on the National Register as defined in the
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
(Commonwealth) section 3;
wastewater has the meaning given in the
Water Agencies (Powers) Act 1984 section 3(1);
water heater has the meaning given in
AS/NZS 3500.0 (Plumbing and Drainage — Glossary of terms)
clause 3;
WaterMark Technical Specification , followed by a
designation, means a WaterMark Technical Specification —
having that designation; and
published by, or on behalf of, the Australian Building Codes Board;
water services provider means a licensee as
defined in the Water Services Act 2012 section 3(1);
water services works of a water services provider
means water service works of a licensee as defined in the Water Services
Act 2012 section 3(1);
water supply plumbing means plumbing that is the
result of water supply plumbing work;
water supply plumbing work has the meaning given
in regulation 4;
water supply service has the meaning given in the
Water Services Act 2012 section 3(1);
water supply system means —
(a) a
water supply service of a water services provider; or
(b) an
alternative water supply system;
working day means a day that is not a Saturday,
Sunday or public holiday.
(2) In these
regulations, unless the contrary intention appears, a reference to a licensed
plumbing contractor in relation to plumbing work is to be read as a reference
to the licensed plumbing contractor —
(a) who
carried out or is or will be carrying out the work; or
under whose general direction and control or supervision the work was, is
being or will be carried out.
(3) In these
regulations, unless the contrary intention appears, a reference to the consent
of the owner of a place, or to a notice being given to the owner, is to be
read as including a reference to the consent of a representative of the owner
or the notice being given to the representative.
(4) For the purposes
of these regulations, a licensed plumbing contractor or permit holder is
responsible for major plumbing work if —
(a) the
contractor or permit holder has given a notice of intention in respect of the
work; and
(b) the
contractor or permit holder has not withdrawn the notice of intention in
respect of the work; and
(c) the
contractor or permit holder has not been replaced by another licensed plumbing
contractor or permit holder who has given a notice of intention in respect of
the work.
[Regulation 3 amended: Gazette
20 Apr 2001 p. 2149‑50; 12 Sep 2003
p. 4080; 1 Jun 2004 p. 1909; 28 Jun 2004
p. 2400‑6; 30 Dec 2004 p. 6928;
19 Apr 2005 p. 1302; 7 Oct 2005
p. 4509‑11; 26 Jun 2007 p. 3062;
11 Dec 2009 p. 5060; 14 Nov 2013 p. 5232;
19 Dec 2014 p. 4831‑2; 24 Apr 2015
p. 1495‑6; 29 Apr 2016 p. 1329-30; 13 Dec 2016
p. 5620 and p. 5627‑8; 10 Jan 2017 p. 184;
9 Apr 2019 p. 1056; 18 Oct 2019 p. 3674;
SL 2020/132 r. 4; SL 2020/196 r. 51; SL 2021/86
r. 57; SL 2021/89 r. 4; SL 2022/115 r. 10;
SL 2022/163 r. 4 and 5; SL 2024/12 r. 4; SL 2024/96
r. 46; SL 2024/12 r. 56.]