In this
Part —
commercial vehicle means —
(a) a
passenger transport vehicle as defined in the Transport (Road Passenger
Services) Act 2018 section 4(1); or
(b) a
school bus within the meaning of the Road Traffic (Vehicles)
Regulations 2014 regulation 226; or
(c) any
mobile plant or motor vehicle with a GVM over 4.5 tonnes that is designed
to carry, or is carrying, a large integrated item of equipment; or
(d) any
other motor vehicle with a GVM over 4.5 tonnes used or intended to be used for
the carriage of goods for hire or reward;
commercial vehicle driver means a worker who
drives a commercial vehicle in the course of work and whose work
time —
(a) is
more than 60 hours per week; or
(b) for
more than once per week, is more than 10 hours in any 24‑hour
period; or
(c) for
more than once per week, includes the period from midnight to 5 am;
driver fatigue management plan , in relation to
commercial vehicle drivers, means a written document setting out requirements
and procedures relating to —
scheduling trips; and
rostering drivers; and
establishing a driver’s fitness to work; and
educating drivers in fatigue management; and
managing incidents on or relating to commercial vehicles; and
establishing and maintaining appropriate workplace conditions;
GVM has the meaning given in the
Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012 section 3(1);
motor vehicle has the meaning given in the
Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014 regulation 3;
responsible person at a workplace means a person
who is —
(a) a
person conducting a business or undertaking at the workplace; or
(b) a
person with management or control of the workplace; or
(c) a
principal contractor at the workplace;
work time , in relation to driving a commercial
vehicle, includes —
(a) time
spent doing work incidental to the driving; and
(b) if
the commercial vehicle is plant, time spent operating the mobile plant; and
(c) time
spent operating mobile plant transported on the commercial vehicle; and
(d) a
break from driving, mobile plant operation or incidental work lasting less
than 30 minutes.