(1) A notice under
section 68(3A) of the Act must —
(a) be
written; and
include the following —
the full name of the health and safety representative
giving the notice;
the full name of the assistant whose entry is proposed;
the name and address of the workplace proposed to be
the date of proposed entry;
a statement of the reasons why the health and safety
representative considers it is necessary for the assistant to enter the
workplace to assist.
(2) If the assistant
is or has been the holder of an IR entry authority or a WHS entry permit under
a corresponding WHS law, the notice must also include the
following —
(a) the
name of the union the assistant represents or represented;
(b) a
declaration by the assistant stating that —
an IR entry authority or WHS entry permit held by the
assistant has not been revoked; and
in relation to a current IR entry authority or
WHS entry permit, the authority or permit is not suspended; and
the assistant is not disqualified from holding an
IR entry authority or WHS entry permit.