(1A) In this
regulation —
harness means a work positioning harness that is
designed and certified, in accordance with AS/NZS 1891.1:2007 (Industrial
fall‑arrest systems and devices — Harnesses and ancillary
equipment), for the purpose of lifting and suspending a person.
Regulation 220(1)(a) and (b) do not apply in connection with tree
lopping if —
(a) a
risk assessment shows that lifting or suspending a person in a harness with a
crane to place the person in a tree to carry out tree lopping does not create
a greater risk to health or safety than using plant specifically designed to
lift a person or climbing a tree; and
(b) the
tree lopping is carried out by a person who is a competent person in the use
of the harness referred to in paragraph (a); and
(c) a
crane is used to put the competent person in the tree to lop it; and
(d) the
crane has safety mechanisms that would prevent the competent person from
inadvertently falling; and
while attached to the crane, the competent person is in visual, audio or radio
communication with the crane operator.
(2) [not used]