(1) In this Chapter, a
person conducting a business or undertaking that commissions a construction
project is, subject to this regulation, the principal contractor for the
(2) If the person
referred to in subregulation (1) engages another person conducting a
business or undertaking as principal contractor for the construction project
and authorises the person to have management or control of the workplace and
to discharge the duties of a principal contractor under this Chapter, the
person so engaged is the principal contractor for the project.
(3) If the owner of
residential premises is an individual who directly or indirectly engages a
person conducting a business or undertaking to undertake a construction
project in relation to the premises, the person so engaged is the principal
contractor for the project if the person has management or control of the
(4) A construction
project has only 1 principal contractor at any specific time.
Note for this regulation:
A person with
management or control of a workplace must comply with section 20 of the