(1) A person
conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace must ensure
that —
(a) a
register of hazardous chemicals used, handled or stored at the workplace is
prepared and kept at the workplace; and
(b) the
register is maintained to ensure the information in the register is up to
Penalty for this subregulation:
(a) for
an individual, a fine of $7 000;
(b) for
a body corporate, a fine of $35 000.
(2) The register must
include —
(a) a
list of hazardous chemicals used, handled or stored; and
(b) the
current safety data sheet for each hazardous chemical listed.
(3) The person must
ensure that the register is readily accessible to —
(a) a
worker involved in using, handling or storing a hazardous chemical; and
anyone else who is likely to be affected by a hazardous chemical at the
Penalty for this subregulation:
(a) for
an individual, a fine of $4 200;
(b) for
a body corporate, a fine of $21 000.
(4) This regulation
does not apply to a hazardous chemical if —
(a) the
hazardous chemical is in transit, unless there is a significant or frequent
presence of the hazardous chemical in transit at the workplace; or
(b) the
hazardous chemical is a consumer product and the person is not required to
obtain a safety data sheet for the hazardous chemical under
regulation 344.
Note for this regulation: