(1) If a person
applies under regulation 383, the regulator may grant an authorisation to
use, handle or store a prohibited carcinogen or restricted carcinogen under
this regulation.
(2) The regulator may
authorise the person to use, handle or store a prohibited carcinogen referred
to in an item in Schedule 10 Table 10.1 at the workplace only if the
carcinogen will be used, handled or stored only for genuine research or
(3) The regulator may
authorise the person to use, handle or store a restricted carcinogen referred
to in an item in Schedule 10 Table 10.2 at the workplace only if the
carcinogen will be used, handled or stored only for a use referred to in
column 3 for the item.
(4) The regulator may
impose any conditions on the authorisation that the regulator considers
necessary to achieve the objectives of the Act or these regulations.
(5) The regulator must
refuse to authorise the use, handling or storage of the carcinogen for a use
not referred to in this regulation.
Note for this subregulation:
A decision to refuse
an authorisation is a reviewable decision (see regulation 676).