In this Part, a lead
process consists of any of the following carried out at a
workplace —
(a) work
that exposes a person to lead dust or lead fumes arising from the manufacture
or handling of dry lead compounds;
(b) work
in connection with the manufacture, assembly, handling or repair of, or parts
of, batteries containing lead that involves the manipulation of dry lead
compounds, or pasting or casting lead;
breaking up or dismantling batteries containing lead, or sorting, packing and
handling plates or other parts containing lead that are removed or recovered
from the batteries;
spraying molten lead metal or alloys containing more than 5% by weight of lead
melting or casting lead alloys containing more than 5% by weight of lead metal
in which the temperature of the molten material exceeds 450°C;
recovering lead from its ores, oxides or other compounds by thermal reduction
(g) dry
machine grinding, discing, buffing or cutting by power tools alloys containing
more than 5% by weight of lead metal;
machine sanding or buffing surfaces coated with paint containing more than 1%
by dry weight of lead;
a process by which electric arc, oxyacetylene, oxy gas,
plasma arc or a flame is applied for welding, cutting or cleaning, to the
surface of metal coated with lead or paint containing more than 1% by dry
weight of lead metal;
radiator repairs that may cause exposure to lead dust or lead fumes;
(k) fire
assays if lead, lead compounds or lead alloys are used;
(l) hand
grinding and finishing lead or alloys containing more than 50% by dry weight
of lead;
spray painting with lead paint containing more than 1% by dry weight of lead;
melting lead metal or alloys containing more than 50% by weight of lead metal
if the exposed surface area of the molten material exceeds 0.1 square metre
and the temperature of the molten material does not exceed 450°C;
using a power tool, including abrasive blasting and high pressure water jets,
to remove a surface coated with paint containing more than 1% by dry weight of
lead and handling waste containing lead resulting from the removal;
(p) a
process that exposes a person to lead dust or lead fumes arising from
manufacturing or testing detonators or other explosives that contain lead;
(q) a
process that exposes a person to lead dust or lead fumes arising from firing
weapons at an indoor firing range;
foundry processes involving —
melting or casting lead alloys containing more than 1% by
weight of lead metal in which the temperature of the molten material exceeds
450°C; or
dry machine grinding, discing, buffing or cutting by
power tools lead alloys containing more than 1% by weight of lead metal;
(s) a
process decided by the regulator to be a lead process under
regulation 393.