(1) This regulation
applies if the person with management or control of a workplace is informed
that asbestos removal work is to be carried out at the workplace.
(2) The person must
ensure that the following persons are informed that asbestos removal work is
to be carried out at the workplace and when the work is to commence, before
the work commences —
(a) the
person’s workers and any other persons at the workplace;
(b) the
person who commissioned the asbestos removal work.
Penalty for this subregulation:
(a) for
an individual, a fine of $7 000;
(b) for
a body corporate, a fine of $35 000.
(3) The person must
take all reasonable steps to ensure that the following persons are informed
that asbestos removal work is to be carried out at the workplace and when the
work is to commence, before the work commences —
anyone conducting a business or undertaking at, or in the immediate vicinity
of, the workplace;
anyone occupying premises in the immediate vicinity of the workplace.
Penalty for this subregulation:
(a) for
an individual, a fine of $7 000;
(b) for
a body corporate, a fine of $35 000.