(1) This regulation
applies if the regulator gives a licence holder written notice of its decision
to refuse to renew the licence.
(2) If the licence
holder does not apply for internal review of the decision, the licence
continues to have effect until the last of the following events —
(a) the
expiry of the licence;
(b) the
end of the time for applying for an internal review.
(3) If the licence
holder applies for an internal review of the decision, the licence continues
to have effect until the earlier of the following events —
(a) the
licence holder withdraws the application for review;
(b) the
regulator makes a decision on the review.
(4) If the licence
holder does not apply for an external review, the licence continues to have
effect until the end of the time for applying for an external review.
(5) If the licence
holder applies for an external review, the licence continues to have effect
until the earlier of the following events —
(a) the
licence holder withdraws the application for review;
(b) the
Tribunal makes a decision on the review.
(6) The licence
continues to have effect under this regulation even if its expiry date passes.