(1A) In this
regulation —
respiratory protective equipment means personal
protective equipment that —
(a) is
designed to prevent a person wearing the equipment from inhaling airborne
contaminants; and
complies with —
AS/NZS 1716:2012 (Respiratory protective devices);
AS/NZS 1715:2009 (Selection, use and maintenance of
respiratory protective equipment).
(1) In these
regulations, the processing of a CSS is controlled if —
control measures to eliminate or minimise risks arising from the processing
are implemented so far as is reasonably practicable; and
(b) at
least 1 of the following measures is used during the processing —
the isolation of a person from dust exposure;
a fully enclosed operator cabin fitted with a high
efficiency air filtration system;
an effective wet dust suppression method;
an effective on‑tool extraction system;
an effective local exhaust ventilation system;
(c) a
person still at risk of being exposed to respirable crystalline silica
after 1 or more of the measures in paragraph (b) are
used —
is provided with respiratory protective equipment; and
wears the respiratory protective equipment while the work
is carried out.
Note for this subregulation:
See also
regulation 351.
(2) Despite
subregulation (1), if the measures in subregulation (1)(b) are not
reasonably practicable, the processing of a CSS is controlled if a person who
is at risk of being exposed to respirable crystalline silica during the
processing —
(a) is
provided with respiratory protective equipment; and
wears the respiratory protective equipment while the work is carried out.
(3) [not used]
Note for this regulation:
Regulations 44, 45 and 46 apply to the provision and use of
personal protective equipment, including the respiratory protective equipment
provided under subregulations (1)(c) and (2).
[Regulation 529B inserted: SL 2024/139
r. 17.]