(1A) In this
regulation —
application documents , in relation to an
application for an exemption under regulation 689A(1), means —
(a) a
written notice stating —
the regulator has received the application; and
the person receiving the notice may make submissions to
the regulator about the application within the reasonable period set out in
the notice;
(b) a
copy of —
the application; and
any submissions that the regulator receives in relation
to the application under regulation 689B(3)(c).
(1) The regulator must
give the application documents in relation to an application for an exemption
under regulation 689A(1) to each corresponding regulator.
(2) The regulator may
also give the application documents for an application for an exemption under
regulation 689A(1) to —
(a) an
employer organisation that includes employers who engage in work involving
engineered stone; or
(b) a
union representing employees whose work includes work involving engineered
stone; or
(c) a
person who has qualifications, knowledge, skills and experience relating to
engineered stone.
(3) [not used]
[Regulation 689C inserted: SL 2024/139
r. 9.]