(1) The results of
examinations conducted by or on behalf of the chief executive officer shall be
communicated to candidates.
(2) A pass in any of
the theoretical subjects shall remain valid for a period of 5 years from
the date of the examination.
(3) A pass in a group
of practical subjects shall remain valid for a period of 12 months from
the date of the examination.
(4) A candidate who
fails in a theoretical subject may be re‑examined at any subsequent
examination. A candidate who fails in a practical subject, at a first attempt,
may be re‑examined at the next available examination. Failure in a
practical subject at a second or subsequent attempt, or a serious deficiency
in practical knowledge at any attempt will, however, result in a further time
penalty which may include satisfactory completion of a further period of
qualifying service.
(5) Where it is
necessary for a candidate to pass a group of subjects at the same time, a
candidate who fails in one subject may at the discretion of the chief
executive officer, be re‑examined in that subject within 12 months
from the date of the original examination. If the candidate then passes the
subject he shall be deemed to have passed in the written examination; if,
however, he does not present himself for re‑examination or if he is
again unsuccessful in that subject he shall be deemed to have failed in the
written part of the examination.
[Regulation 24 amended: Gazette
11 Aug 1992 p. 3977.]