TABLE OF PROVISIONS 1. Citation 3. Terms used 4. Administration 5. Land for settlement 6. Eligible persons 7. Eligible persons -- members of the Forces (Korea or Malaya Operations) 8. Period of eligibility 9. Applications 10. Application for land set apart for selection 11. Rent 12. Lease 13. Earnings during assistance period 14. Payment for structural improvements 15. Advances 16. Residence 17. Transfers 17A. Further encumbrances 18. Care of improvements 19. Purchase of improvements 20. Insurance of improvements 21. Lessee to pay rates etc. 22. Rate of living allowance 23. Purchase of fee simple 23A. Application for review of option price 24. War Service Land Settlement Appeal Board 25. Classification Committee 26. Chairman of Committee 27. Absence of Committee member 28. Quorum 29. Committee meetings 30. Notice of meetings 31. Form for application for classification 32. Applicant attempting to influence Committee disqualified 33. Decision of Committee final 34. Interruption of Committee proceedings 35. Secretary of Committee 36. Correspondence with Committee 37. Duties of Classification Committee 38. Fees for Committee members and payment of staff 39. Travelling allowance 40. Allotment Board 41. Chairman of Allotment Board 42. Absence of Board member 43. Board meetings 44. Applications for allotments 45. Form of declaration 46. Evidence before Board 47. Variation of applications 48. Fees for Board members and payment of staff 49. Travelling allowance 50. Representation of applicant 51. Applicant attempting to influence Board disqualified 52. Decision of Board final 53. Interruption of Board meetings 54. Secretary of Board FIRST SCHEDULE SECOND SCHEDULE THIRD SCHEDULE[Reprinted under the Reprints Act 1984 as at 17 May 2013 War Service Land Settlement Scheme Regulations 1954]
Compilation table