(1) Subject to
subregulation (4), the chief executive officer is to approve at least one
organisation, in respect of each type of body sample authorised to be taken
under this Part, as the organisation whose employees are to carry out analysis
of samples of that type.
(2) Subject to
subregulation (4), the chief executive officer is to approve at least one
organisation, in respect of illegal or unauthorised things seized under
Part 10, as an organisation whose employees are authorised to carry out
analysis of things seized under that Part.
(3) The chief
executive officer may, at any time, cancel the approval of an organisation and
approve another organisation under subregulation (1) or (2).
(4) If the chief
executive officer does not approve a particular organisation under
subregulation (1) or (2), the Chemistry Centre (WA) is the relevant
approved analysis agent.
(5) For the purposes
of these regulations, the chief executive officer may approve a person who is
employed by an approved analysis agent as an analyst.
[Regulation 102 inserted: Gazette
27 Jun 2005 p. 2885-6; amended: Gazette 10 Jan 2017
p. 189.]