(1) A superintendent
may authorise the use of a trained dog to assist in carrying out a search if
the purpose of a search is to detect whether illegal or unauthorised
substances are or have been present.
(2) The trained dog
used must be a “prison dog” within the meaning of the
Prisons Act 1981 section 49A.
(3) The superintendent
may require a trained dog to be used to search a detainee while in detention,
and a person, an officer or other employee, or property —
(a) on
seeking to enter a detention centre;
(b) on
entering a detention centre;
while in a detention centre;
(d) on
seeking to leave a detention centre;
immediately before leaving a detention centre;
having just left a detention centre; or
(g) when
outside but near a detention centre, if the superintendent is of the opinion
that it is necessary for the security or good order of the detention centre.
[Regulation 94 inserted: Gazette
27 Jun 2005 p. 2881.]