Western Australian Numbered Acts

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26 .         Part 7A inserted

                After section 172A insert:

Part 7A — Alcohol Intervention

Division 1 — Preliminary

172B.         Terms used

        (1)         In this Part —

        AI authorised person , in section 172I or 172L, means a person appointed under section 172D to be an authorised person for the purposes of the section in which the term is used;

        alcohol intervention requirement means a notice referred to in section 172F;

        alcohol intervention session means an alcohol intervention session —

            (a)         provided by a treatment provider approved under section 172J(2)(b); and

            (b)         the content of which is approved under section 172J(2)(a);

        alleged offender means a young person who is suspected on reasonable grounds by a police officer of having committed a minor alcohol related offence;

        CEO (Health) means the chief executive officer of the department principally assisting the Minister responsible for the administration of the Health Legislation Administration Act 1984 ;

        minor alcohol related offence means an offence under —

            (a)         section 110(4A), 110(5), 115(2), 115(5), 115(6), 115(7), 119(1), 119(2), 119(4), 119(5), 121(4)(c), 121(7), 121(7a), 122(3), 123, 126(2), 126(4) or 126(5);

            (b)         section 121(3) in relation to a juvenile only;

        police officer does not include a person appointed by the Commissioner of Police as an AI authorised person under section 172D;

        responsible adult has the meaning given in the Young Offenders Act 1994 section 3;

        young person means —

            (a)         a person who is a juvenile; or

            (b)         in relation to the commission, or alleged commission, of a minor alcohol related offence, was a juvenile when the offence was committed, or allegedly committed.

        (2)         In this Part the following abbreviations are used —

        AIR for alcohol intervention requirement;

        AIS for alcohol intervention session.

172C.         Operation of Young Offenders Act 1994 unaffected

                Nothing in this Part prevents a young person from being dealt with under the Young Offenders Act 1994 Part 5 in respect of a minor alcohol related offence.

172D.         Appointment of AI authorised persons

                The Commissioner of Police may, in writing, appoint persons or classes of persons to be AI authorised persons for the purposes of section 172I or 172L, or for the purposes of both of those sections.

Division 2 — Alcohol intervention requirements

172E.         AIR may be given to alleged offender for minor alcohol related offence

        (1)         Unless section 172G(1) applies, a police officer may give an alcohol intervention requirement to an alleged offender.

        (2)         A police officer who suspects on reasonable grounds that —

            (a)         an alleged offender has committed more than one minor alcohol related offence; and

            (b)         the alleged offences have arisen out of the same incident,

                may give a single AIR in respect of all or some of the offences.

        (3)         An AIR is to be given as soon as practicable, and in any event within 60 days, after an alleged offence is believed to have been committed.

172F.         Alcohol intervention requirement

        (1)         An AIR is a notice in a form prescribed by the regulations —

            (a)         containing a description of the alleged offence, or offences; and

            (b)         informing the alleged offender that —

                  (i)         he or she may, in writing, elect to be prosecuted for the alleged offence, or offences, in a court, and informing the alleged offender how to make that election; and

                  (ii)         if he or she does not wish to be prosecuted for the alleged offence or offences in a court, the alleged offender may, within a period of 28 days after the giving of the AIR, complete an AIS;


            (c)         informing the alleged offender as to how the alleged offender may arrange to complete an AIS.

        (2)         An alleged offender need only complete a single AIS for each AIR given to the alleged offender, even if the AIR is given in respect of more than one alleged offence.

172G.         Special requirements about AIRs

        (1)         An AIR cannot be given in respect of an alleged offence (the new offence ) if the alleged offender —

            (a)         had been convicted of, or given an AIR in respect of, 2 or more minor alcohol related offences before the new offence was allegedly committed; and

            (b)         at least 2 of those offences arose, or are alleged to have arisen, out of separate incidents.

        (2)         A police officer who gives an alleged offender an AIR is to ensure that a responsible adult is given a copy of the AIR as soon as is reasonably practicable after the AIR is given to the alleged offender, unless —

            (a)         after reasonable enquiry, neither the whereabouts nor the address of a responsible adult can be ascertained; or

            (b)         in the circumstances it would be inappropriate to give a responsible adult a copy of the AIR.

        (3)         An alleged offender who has been given 2 AIRs need only complete a single AIS in respect of the AIRs if both AIRs were given before the completion of the AIS.

172H.         Referral of young persons at risk to juvenile justice teams

        (1)         In this section —

        young person at risk means an alleged offender —

            (a)         to whom the police officer would have given an AIR, but for section 172G(1); or

            (b)         who has been given an AIR and has not completed an AIS within 28 days or any further time allowed under section 172L, unless —

                  (i)         the AIR has been withdrawn under section 172I; or

                  (ii)         the alleged offender has elected to be prosecuted for the alleged offence in a court.

        (2)         A police officer may refer a young person at risk to a juvenile justice team where appropriate under the Young Offenders Act 1994 in preference to charging the young person under this Act.

172I.         Withdrawal of AIR

        (1)         An AI authorised person may withdraw an AIR by sending to the alleged offender a notice in a form prescribed by the regulations stating that the AIR has been withdrawn.

        (2)         An AIR cannot be withdrawn if the alleged offender has completed an AIS in relation to the AIR.

        (3)         An AIR that is withdrawn is taken not to have been given to an alleged offender for the purposes of section 172G(1).

Division 3 — Alcohol intervention sessions

172J.         Alcohol intervention session

        (1)         The purpose of an alcohol intervention session is to inform those who complete it about —

            (a)         the adverse health and social consequences of alcohol use; and

            (b)         the laws relating to the possession of alcohol; and

            (c)         effective strategies to address alcohol using behaviour.

        (2)         The CEO (Health) may, in writing, do any of the following —

            (a)         having regard to subsection (1), approve the content of an alcohol intervention session;

            (b)         approve treatment providers to provide alcohol intervention sessions;

            (c)         give an approval under paragraph (b) subject to conditions to be obeyed by the treatment provider approved;

            (d)         cancel or amend an approval given under paragraph (a) or (b).

        (3)         For the purposes of this section, this Act is to be taken to be a relevant Act as referred to in the Health Legislation Administration Act 1984 section 9.

172K.         Benefit of completing AIS

        (1)         If the alleged offender has completed an AIS in respect of an AIR within 28 days or such further time as is allowed under section 172L, the bringing of proceedings and the imposition of penalties are prevented to the same extent that they would be prevented if the alleged offender had been convicted by a court of, and punished for, the alleged offence.

        (2)         Completion of an AIS is not to be regarded as an admission for the purposes of any proceedings, whether civil or criminal.

172L.         Extension of time to complete AIS

        (1)         An AI authorised person may, in a particular case, extend the period of 28 days within which the alleged offender may complete an AIS.

        (2)         The extension may be allowed whether or not the period of 28 days has elapsed.

172M.         Certificate of completion of AIS

        (1)         A treatment provider approved to provide an AIS under section 172J(2)(b) is to —

            (a)         give to a person who has completed an AIS a certificate of completion; and

            (b)         send a copy of the certificate to the Commissioner of Police.

        (2)         A certificate of completion is to be in a form prescribed by the regulations and is to set out —

            (a)         the name and address of the person who has completed the AIS; and

            (b)         the date of completion; and

            (c)         the details of the AIR in respect of which the AIS was completed.

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