This legislation has been repealed.
(1) For the purposes
of section 44(1) of the Act dangerous goods that are packed for the
purpose of storage shall be packed —
(a) in
packaging that complies with Chapter 3 of the Code;
(b) in
packaging that has been approved under Division 2; or
(c) in a
bulk container that has been approved under, and complies with,
Division 3.
(2) An inspector may
permit stored dangerous goods to be packed in a bulk container that has not
been approved under Division 3 if the inspector is satisfied
that —
(a) the
bulk container in which they are stored has become unserviceable; or
there is an emergency that justifies giving such permission.
(3) Where such
permission is given the dangerous goods shall be packed in the bulk container
and stored in accordance with directions given by an inspector.
[Regulation 2.3 inserted in Gazette
8 Jun 1999 p. 2496-7.]