Western Australian Repealed Regulations

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This legislation has been repealed.


58 .         Dredger signals

        (1)         The master of a dredger moored within any part of the Harbour, shall whether the dredger is working or not, in the undermentioned circumstances, exhibit or make, as the case may be, the following signals: — 

            (a)         When requiring any vessel approaching from seaward to keep the dredger on the starboard hand, and any vessel proceeding seaward to keep the dredger on its port hand in passing — 

                by day — a Black Triangle on the yardarm on the side to be passed;

                by night — a Green Light over a Red Light on the yardarm on the side to be passed; and

                in fog, mist or heavy rain — the Morse sound signal letter “A” at intervals of not more than two minutes on the dredger’s bell;

            (b)         When requiring any vessel approaching from seaward to keep the dredger on the port hand, and any vessel proceeding seaward to keep the dredger on its starboard hand in passing — 

                by day — a Red Square on the yardarm on the side to be passed;

                by night — a Red Light over a Green Light on the yardarm on the side to be passed; and

                in fog, mist or heavy rain — the Morse sound signal letter “N” at intervals of not more than two minutes on the dredger’s bell;

            (c)         When the dredger is blocking the channel — 

                by day — a Green Cone between two Red Balls, vertical at the mast-head;

                by night — a Green Light between two Red Lights, vertical at the mast-head; and

                in fog, mist or heavy rain — the Morse sound signal letter “S” at intervals of not more than two minutes on the dredger’s bell;

            (d)         When a vessel may pass on either side of the dredger — 

                by day — a White Flag on the mast-head;

                by night — a Green Light on both yardarms; and

            (e)         When the dredger is unable to move, or is out of control — 

                by day — a Red Flag on the mast-head;

                by night — a Red Light on both yardarms

        (2)         The Morse sound signals referred to in this regulation shall be made by the dredger’s bell for the respective signals, as follows: — 

                Short ring — 1½ seconds duration.

                Long ring — 4 seconds duration.

                Interval between rings — 1½ seconds duration.

        (3)         The diameter of the shapes shall be not less than 800 millimetres; the vertical height of the cone and cylinder shapes, shall be 1½ times the diameter of their own base; the vertical distance between shapes or lights shall be between one and two metres.

        (4)         Dredgers under-way when dredging, and unable to manoeuvre as required in order to keep out of the way of other vessels, shall show lights and shapes required by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea Rule (4) (c) for vessels not under command, viz.: —

        by night — three lights in a vertical line one over the other so that the upper and lower lights shall be the same distance from, and not less than 1.8 metres above or below, the middle light; the highest and lowest of these lights shall be red, and the middle light shall be white, and they shall be of such a character as to be visible all round the horizon at a distance of at least 2 miles.

        by day — she shall carry in a vertical line one over the other not less than 1.8 metres apart, where they can best be seen, three shapes each not less than 600 millimetres in diameter, of which the highest and lowest shall be globular in shape and red in colour, and the middle one diamond in shape and white.

        (5)         Without limiting any provision of this regulation, as to the displaying of other lights — 

            (a)         a moored dredger shall carry such anchor light or lights as are required to be carried by other vessels, according to their lengths; and

            (b)         except where moored to the side of a dredger, that is not clear, a white light shall be shown on the outer rail of a silt barge that is moored to the passing side of a dredger.

        (6)         Any vessel approaching a dredger from any direction — 

            (a)         shall pass it on the side indicated by a signal exhibited pursuant to this regulation;

            (b)         shall, where the dredger exhibits the “Channel Blocked” signal, not pass it, until a passing signal is exhibited;

            (c)         may, where the dredger is exhibiting a signal such as is mentioned in paragraph (d) of subregulation (1) of this regulation, pass it on either side; or

            (d)         shall, where the dredger is exhibiting a signal such as is mentioned in paragraph (e) of subregulation (1) of this regulation, be navigated, and proceed with extreme caution, when passing it.

        [Regulation 58 amended by Gazette 21 June 1974 p.2084.]

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