This legislation has been repealed.
(1) A clock
shall —
(a) if
suspended under a verandah, have its centre coinciding with the centre line of
the footway thereunder;
comply, as regards size, with the following table: —
(c) be
fixed either parallel with, or at right angles to, the wall to which it is
(d) not
project from the wall to which it is attached —
if parallel to the wall, more than 305 millimetres; or
if at right angles to the wall, more than 1.8 metres
afford a minimum headway of 2.75 metres;
(f) be
maintained so as to show the correct time;
(g) be
illuminated from sunset to midnight; and
(h) not
be permitted to strike between midnight and seven o'clock in the morning.
(2) Notwithstanding
the provisions of sub-bylaw (1) of this by-law, a clock suspended in an
arcade, may be suspended over the centre of the arcade.
[By-law 19 amended in Gazette
21 June 1974 p.2096.]