This legislation has been repealed.
(1) Any motel shall
have a car park appurtenant to and within a distance of 4.5 metres of each
residential unit, unless the local authority shall approve of a car park being
of a greater distance from any residential unit; and the parking site allotted
to each unit shall comprise not less than 16.2 square metres in area.
(2) There shall be
adequate means of access to and manoeuvring space at each car park.
(3) In the case where
a restaurant, swimming pool, dance floor or other facilities are provided at
any motel for the use of the public, other than residents, there shall, in
addition to that provided by sub-bylaw (1) of this by-law, be on site
parking space in the ratio of one car space for every three patrons additional
to residential patrons.
(4) In the case where
any motel is licensed under the provisions of the Licensing Act 1911 ,
there shall, in addition to any parking space hereinbefore provided by this
by-law, be on site parking space in the ratio of one car space for every 2.3
square metres of licensed floor space or part of that area, exclusive of floor
space devoted to storage, service areas, refrigeration areas and like utility
[By-law 11 amended by Gazette
21 June 1974 p.2092; (Erratum 5 July 1974 p.2466).]