This legislation has been repealed.
(1) Subject to
subclause (2) of this clause, when a motion is under debate, no further
motion shall be moved except a motion —
(a) that
the motion be amended;
(b) that
the Council do adjourn;
(c) that
the debate be adjourned;
(d) that
the question be now put;
(e) that
the Council do proceed with the next business;
(f) that
the Council do sit behind closed doors; or
(g) that
the meeting be now closed.
(2) Where the question
before the Council is a recommendation from a Committee of the Council, a
Councillor may, at the conclusion of the speech of any other Councillor, move
without notice that the question be referred back to the Committee; and on any
such motion, the mover may speak for not more than five minutes, the seconder
shall not speak, other than formally to second and the Chairman of the
Committee concerned, or in his absence a member thereof, may speak for not
more than five minutes, but no other debate shall be allowed.
Amendment to Relate to Motion