This legislation has been repealed.
Any person
dissatisfied with any order, refusal to permit, or other decision under Part
XV of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 in
respect of which provision is made by that Act for an appeal to referees under
Division 19 of that Part, may institute an appeal by leaving with, or
forwarding by post, to the CEO of the local government and the Minister for
Local Government a Notice of Appeal in the following form: —
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960
To the Hon. Minister for Local Government, and
To the CEO, City/Town/Shire of............................I, (name) of
being dissatisfied with a decision of the.........................(local
government), or its Building Surveyor namely that —
(Here state the decision to which objection is taken.)
hereby appeal to Referees to be appointed under the Local Government
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 , to determine the question.
I enclose $200 as the fees payable to the Referees.
Dated of..............................19........
[Regulation 2 amended by Gazettes
8 February 1965 p.467; 18 March 1994 p.1051;
23 June 1995 p.2442; 24 June 1996 pp.2847-8;
25 October 1996 p.5647; 11 September 1998 p.4925; 22
October 1999 p.5157; 14 July 2000 p.3845.]
[ 3. Revoked by
Gazette 5 February 1971 p.373.]