This legislation has been repealed.
(1) A person
who —
(a) is
enrolled as an elector on a current electoral roll for the Legislative
Assembly of the State; or
(b) not
being an elector, is over the age of 14 years, and satisfies the
librarian that he is permanently resident within the State; or
(c) is a
child of compulsory school age resident within the State, if he is recommended
to the Board by his parent or guardian or by a teacher of the school that he
attends; or
(d) not
being permanently resident within the State, is over the age of 14 years,
if he pays such sum by way of deposit as the Board determines,
may subject to the
provisions of these regulations and of any conditions made by the Board
pursuant to these regulations borrow musical scores from the Central Music
(2) Any association,
society or institution established for the study or practice of music, or any
school, college or educational institution, may subject to the provisions of
these regulations and of any conditions made by the Board pursuant to these
regulations borrow musical scores from the Central Music Library.
(3) The deposit
referred to in subregulation (1)(d) shall be refunded by the Board to the
person who deposited it, upon his notifying the librarian that he no longer
desires to borrow musical scores and surrenders all music tickets issued to
him, if at the time of the notification the reader is not liable to pay the
Board any moneys, has returned all musical scores to the Central Music
Library, and is not liable for a breach of these regulations.
(4) All deposits made
in pursuance of this regulation shall be paid into the general funds of the
Board, and all refunds shall be made out of those funds.