This legislation has been repealed.
(1) For the purposes
of the definition of “birth” or “birth of a child” in
section 3 of the Act —
(a) the
prescribed period of gestation is not less than 20 weeks, measured as
commencing on the first day of the mother’s last menstrual period and
continuing for the intrauterine life of the live foetus; and
(b) the
prescribed weight is not less than 400 grams.
(2) For the purposes
of this regulation, the Registrar General may —
obtain an estimate from the medical practitioner, or midwife, attending the
mother as to the gestation period;
(b) act
on an estimation under paragraph (a) when determining whether a birth
should be registered.
(3) Where an
estimation of the gestation period under this regulation cannot be made, or is
inconclusive in relation to the prescribed gestation period under
subregulation (1) (a), the prescribed weight shall be the sole
criterion used for determining whether a “birth” or “birth
of a child” (other than a live birth) has taken place for the purposes
of the Act.
[Regulation 10 inserted by Gazette
28 December 1990 pp.6370-1.]
[ 11. Revoked by
Gazette 10 January 1966 p.57.]