This legislation has been repealed.
(1) A person shall
not, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. on Saturdays, and between the
hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on any other day of the week, except Sunday, drive
a vehicle in reverse into, or out of, any road or any private lane, driveway,
right of way or premises —
situated within the City Block, Perth; or
giving access to any road situated between St. George’s Terrace and the
Swan River.
(2) This regulation
does not apply to the driving of a vehicle in reverse into, or out of, a road
or any private lane, driveway, right of way or premises
where —
(a) the
Minister has by notice in writing directed that the provisions of
subregulation (1) of this regulation do not apply to the road, private
lane, driveway, right of way or premises during specified hours; and
(b) a
traffic sign is erected, established or displayed thereat specifying the hours
during which the exemption applies.
(3) For the purposes
of this regulation "City Block, Perth” means all that portion of the
municipal district of the City of Perth contained within and bounded by the
furthermost property lines of —
Wellington Street between George Street and Lord Street;
(b) Lord
Street between Wellington Street and Victoria Square;
(c) that
portion of Victoria Square west of the eastern property lines of Lord Street
and Victoria Avenue;
Victoria Avenue between Victoria Square and St. George’s Terrace;
(e) St.
George’s Terrace between Victoria Avenue and St. George’s
Place; and
(f) St.
George’s Place and George Street between St. George’s Terrace
and Wellington Street.
[Regulation 1801 amended by
2 April 1976 p.1049.]
[ 1802. Repealed in Gazette
15 January 1981 p.100.]