This legislation has been repealed.
(1) Every motor
vehicle under tow, during the hours of darkness, shall be equipped
with —
(a) a
lighted lamp, showing a clear red light clearly visible to the driver of any
following motor vehicle, fitted on the centre, or to the right hand or
off-side of the centre, of that portion of the vehicle facing any following
motor vehicle; and
(b) a
lamp or lamps showing a bright white light, so fitted as to render visible any
red flag or other suitable object prescribed under the Road Traffic Code 1975
6 , to be displayed where a motor vehicle is towed with the aid of a rope,
chain or wire.
(2) The requirements
of this regulation are additional to the requirements of any other regulation
relating to the fitting of lights to a motor vehicle.
(3) Lights, other than
those required or permitted by these regulations to be fitted, shall not be
displayed upon a towed vehicle, so as to be visible to the driver of a
following vehicle.